Weird brand names in Japan

Some of the most amusing names I’ve seen whilst wandering around Japan’s populous cities. I only shudder to think of the lingual atrocities being committed in my own city (Melbourne) …
1. “Kitsch Ride.” It didn’t look as if they were being ironic. This sounds like an apt description for where you could go to get your car modified badly.
2. “Magical Cheese” – maybe there’s a special form of ‘happy cheese’ they sell here?
3. “Parachute John Rock N Roll Laboratory”. A bit WTF, but was actually a pretty cool store.
4. “SmackyGlam”, because whether you’re dealing it or buying it, you need to be looking good.
5. “Starvations”. I almost burst into laughter when I saw this one. I’m assuming they went searching through the thesaurus looking for synonyms for thin… The “Life Is Great” on the side is a nice touch, you need to remember this as you are dying from malnourishment…
6. “Prick Room”. Nuf said.
7. “Womb deux”. Okay I give up on this one. Is the deux supposed to be 2 in french? If so, then does that make the clothing a second womb? And if that’s the intent … what were they thinking?
8. “Pungency”. Probably not the right connotations for milk tea. (Not a bad milk tea either. Shame about the name)
If you have any funny, weird or downright crap store names to share, feel free to comment!


One response to “Weird brand names in Japan

  1. I heard they choose words based on what they think looks or sounds better–not on the meaning. They often use the French word “chocolat” even if the rest of the words are in English because it “looks” better.

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